If the goods, including shipping and possible insurance, costs less than DKK 300, you do not have to pay any duties or VAT. However, the DKK 300 limit does not apply to delicacies, baking, dairy products and fireworks. Read more about these items under Excise tax.
Goods that cost more than DKK 300, including shipping costs and possible insurance, must be taxed.
Customs duty
Goods produced in a country that the Faroe Islands have a free trade agreement with are exempt from customs duty. Goods produced in a country that the Faroes does not have a free trade agreement with, such as China or the USA, must always pay customs duty. In the Faroes, customs duty is sometimes referred to as GATT-toll.
For the goods to be exempt from customs duty, the country of origin must be stated on the invoice. If it is not stated on the invoice, a customs duty will be levied.
The percentage rate of customs duty varies according to the type of good. For example, a 10% customs duty is levied on clothes. The customs duty rates can be seen on the Customs Tariff list (Toll- og Vøruskráin) which is available in Danish and English.
The Faroes have a free trade agreement with Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU countries.
Excise tax
An excise tax is levied on certain goods, such as delicacies and fireworks. The percentage rate of the excise tax varies according to the type of good. For example, delicacies are levied a 40% excise tax + DKK 16 per kilogram, and fireworks are levied a 100% excise tax + DKK 0 per kilogram.
If the goods have been levied a customs duty, this is included when calculating the excise tax.
The excise tax rates can be seen in the Fiscal Act, in Faroese Avgjaldslógin (only available in Faroese).
Value added tax (VAT)
When the value of the order is more than DKK 300, you always have to pay VAT, in Faroese MVG. The VAT rate is 25%. Some books and brochures are exempt (see chapter 49 of the Customs Tariff list).
If the goods have been levied customs duty and excise tax, this is included when calculating the VAT.
Service charge
TAKS charges a service fee for clearing customs. The fee is DKK 30 per parcel. If the customs are cleared by a shipping agent, a service fee may also be payable to them.
The invoice must be enclosed
When you order goods from abroad, TAKS must be able to see the invoice in order to clear the goods through customs. A Commercial invoice is not accepted. You must get the store where you ordered the goods to provide the right invoice. TAKS will hold the goods until then.
Clearing the customs yourself
If the dutiable value of the good exceeds DKK 3,000, you must fill out a customs form and submit it to TAKS. Find the customs form under quick links. If the dutiable value is DKK 3,000 or less, you can speed up the clearance by paying a fixed duty of 10%. This may be useful if it is urgent to get the goods cleared.