
TAKS payment agreement

With a payment agreement you can make sure that you don't miss a payment.

How to set up a payment agreement

There are three ways to set up a payment agreement with TAKS: through TAKS, a financial institution or home banking.

Through TAKS
Complete the application form "TAKS payment agreement". Find the application form under Forms.

Through a financial institution
Contact the financial institution or the financial adviser and ask about setting up a payment agreement. They can instruct you.

Through home banking
You can set up a payment agreement by using the details below, depending on the type of agreement you want to create.

PBS-nr.Deb. bólkurType of agreementExample of 
Explanation of 
51087482HL:HúsaleiguskatturBOHL10125104700BO + HL + Ptal + 00
51087482KB:VinningsbýtisskatturBOKB58206900000BO + KB + Vtal + 00000
51087482KS:Kapitalvinningsskattur PtalBOKS25106405900BO + KS + Ptal + 00
51087482KS:Kapitalvinningsskattur VtalBOKS59608600000BO + KS + Vtal + 00
51087482PS:PartafelagsskatturISPS58437100000IS + PS + Vtal + 00000
51087483HT:HeilsutrygdBOHT09111613800BO + HT + Ptal + 00
51087483KG:KarensgjaldBOKG52533200000BO + KG + Vtal + 00000
51087483SE:Almannakrøv/útlendsk krøvBOSE18056501900BO + SE + Ptal + 00
51087483IK:Incasso PtalIKIK15026102300IK + IK + Ptal + 00
51087483IK:Incasso VtalIKIK59608600000IK + IK + Vtal + 00000
51087484BA:BarsilsgjaldBOBA59608600000BO + BA + Vtal + 00000
51087485LA:LønhæddaravgjaldBOLA59522500000BO + LA + Vtal + 00000
51087485MV:MvgBOMV59359100000BO + MV + Vtal + 00000
51087485BS:BskatturKOBS08048709600KO + BS + Ptal + 00
51087485RS:RestskatturKORS11105405310KO + RS + Ptal + 2 síðstu ciffur av ári
51087483KF:KringvarpsgjaldBOKF(p-tal+00)BO + KF + Ptal + 00
Need help to set up the payment agreement?

Call our customer service on 35 26 00 Mon-thu between 10am and 3pm or send an e-mail to We are happy to help.