
Customer Service

The customer service of TAKS is located at Smyrilsvegur in Tórshavn. We are the ones who answer the phone when you call, and you can also drop by with your TAKS-related matters.

Opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 10 AM to 3 PM. 

Smyrilsvegur 20
Postboks 2151
110 Tórshavn

Phone: 35 26 00 


Regional Departments of TAKS

Our regional departments do not have regular customer service. If you need to handle something, call our customer service at 35 26 00.

TAKS in Klaksvík 
Klaksvíksvegur 78

TAKS in Saltangará 
Heiðavegur 17

TAKS in Tvøroyri
Sjógøta 3

Competent authorities of TAKS

Competent authorities of TAKS are listed in our staff directory. Open it, scroll down to the bottom, and find them under the heading ‘Kompetentur myndugleiki / Competent authority’.

Customs Control Hotline

If you need to stamp a document, notify arrival in Faroese territory, or handle any other customs matters, you can call the following hotlines. They are available 24/7.

Import and Export 
Phone: 31 19 08

Arrival Notification, Ships 
Phone: 44 73 05

Arrival Notification, Aircraft 
Phone: 35 77 10

Do you want to clear imported goods through customs?
Then you should not call the hotlines, but the customer service at 35 26 00. The opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 10 AM to 3 PM.